Berfirehkirina Vertical Starter Bar Rack EVR106

●Order Starter rack then Extension rack for added width.

● Weight capacity is 4000lbs total enenly distributed load.

● Each rack includes(3)adjustable dividers.Divider Hole Spacing 5",divider Hole Quantity9.

● Multiple units may be joined in-line or back -to-back.Ships knock-down;assembly required.

i-lift No.2514401
Weight capacitykg (lb.)1818(4000)
Kûrîmm (di.)584(23)
Bilindîmm (di.)2692(106)
Berîmm (di.)1346(53)
Wexta Netkg (lb.)80(176)

Taybetmendiyên sereke:

Optimize your space with our Expandable Vertical Bar Racks, designed specifically for the efficient storage of long parts. These racks are perfect for placement against a wall, providing a streamlined vertical storage solution. Start with a starter rack and expand as needed with extension racks to achieve the desired width.With a robust total uniform capacity of 4,000 pounds when evenly distributed, these racks are built to handle heavy loads. Constructed from welded steel and finished with a durable blue paint, they are designed to last. The units ship knock-down for cost-effective shipping and require assembly upon arrival.

Expandable Vertical Starter Bar Rack EVR çêker:

As a professional manufacturer of various types of material handling & lifting products, Expandable Vertical Starter Bar Rack EVR yek ji berhemên me yên sereke ye. Digel vê yekê, em dikarin cûrbecûr kamyonên paletê, stacker, maseyên hilgirtinê, barhilgir, vînk û hwd jî çêkin. Heke hûn dixwazin celebek hilberên desteserkirina materyalê bikirin, hûn dikarin ji bo vebêjê naha ji vê rûpelê ji me re e -name bişînin. If heke hûn bi hilberên meyên din re eleqedar in, bi xêr hatin ku hûn bi e-nameyê an awayên din ên ku di rûpelê de têne navnîş kirin bi me re têkilî daynin. Em ê di 24 demjimêran de bersiva we bidin.